P R O J E C T S                     C O N T A C T                       A B O U T            

I got this README and the cookie file form this URL:


Otherwise there's just a we bit of php code to load up a fortune ever page load.

"Woo Hoo!"   - Homer

- mrjones@trailbreaker.com

                 The Colossal Cookie File 
                 Lee Maguire - 1999-03-19

This is a fortune cookie file generated from the capsules to every
episode from the first 8 seasons of "The Simpsons".

It is formatted for the BSD fortune program (available on many
Unix platforms, including Linux)

To use: simply copy into your fortunes directory
(eg /usr/share/games/fortunes/) and generate the .dat file using

All the quotes have been automatically extracted - so I haven't chosen
which quotes are included.  As a result this file is huge - so if you 
don't weight your queries it's likely that most of the quotes generated
by fortune will be from The Simpsons database.

If you want to create your own fortune file, or add new episode 
capsules to this one then the script I used is available from the
Colossal Cookie homepage.


NOTE:  If you find any misquotes in the file then please check the 
       capsule at snpp.com.  If that's inaccurate then contact the 
       capsule maintainer, if the fortune file is out of sync then
       mail cookies@wetware.demon.co.uk


© p l i p . c o m - w e b m a s t e r