P R O J E C T S                     C O N T A C T                       A B O U T            

Plip's Vimeo JavaScript Embedder v.02

This function will eventially autodetect your browser's useragent and show you a nice thumbnail to click on which will play a Vimeo video. The main problem that this solves is that Vimeo doesn't offer an HTML5 embed and also does not offer an easy way to embed a video for a mobile device and show a thumbnail. See my blog post too.

You're welcome to steal this and use it, but I plan on tidying the code up and releasing it, so ya might just want to wait.

Video Output:

Release History:

  • 5.7.2010 - Version .02 - Super basic with auto detect
    • Requires Jquery & SWFObject
    • added basic browser sniffing - yet do it with silly raw check against user agent instead of new school support
    • Broken in ie8
    • Tested on Windows 7 in FF 3.6.3 and Chrome (45376), and since version .01 worked in android, ipad, pre and iphone, let's say we tested there too ;)
    • Chrome may still give a lot of "Sorry - This video Unavailable" messages from Vimeo
    • Todo:
      • get pimp Vimeo style controls for HTML5,
      • figure if there's anything to Chrome error messages,
      • likley refactor code into a single class,
      • consider removing jquery depenancies,
      • consider moving swfojbect to be included inside the class,
      • fix ie8 and check 7 and 6,
      • see if we wanna go super elegant like Video for Everybody does (very cool!)
    • if any one is actually reading this, the meeting with CEO day after v. 01 went quite well
  • 5.5.2010 - Version .01 - Super basic test script.
    • Requires Jquery & SWFObject
    • Many levels of jank to be cleaned up.
    • Only tested on Windows 7 in FF 3.6.3 and Chrome (45376)
    • Chrome gave a lot of "Sorry - This video Unavailable" messages from Vimeo
    • Todo: Auto detect browser, get pimp Vimeo style controls for HTML5, figure if there's anything to Chrome error messages. Get some sleep, it's frickin 12:20am and I have work tomorrow...a meeting with the CEO no less.

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